Enjoy your photos and videos on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and even TV screen. Quickly and easily. Add some photos and videos from your Photos, and a slideshow is ready to play!
SlideFlow generates a slideshow video on the fly, and starts playing it almost immediately. No need to wait forever while a full video is generated!
SlideFlow automatically generates nice transitions between photos.
Animates them, offering the most pleasing viewing experience: show the full photo, and then zoom on faces. Can also add music.
Play a slideshow directly on many modern TVs with DLNA support. Both your iPhone / iPad and TV must be connected to the same local network, with cable or Wi-Fi.
Export and share a slideshow as a video.
SlideFlow syncs all your slideshows via iCloud with other devices. Configure a slideshow on one device, and enjoy it on all the others! This only works with photos synced between these devices by the iCloud Photo Library.
SlideFlow for iPhone Screenshots

SlideFlow for iPad Screenshots

SlideFlow for Mac Screenshots